Cybersecurity | January 18, 2022

Ward Off Online Scams With These Simple Tricks

StopĀ falling forĀ scams,Ā once and for all.Ā 

IfĀ youā€™veĀ spent anyĀ amountĀ ofĀ time on the internetĀ latelyĀ (andĀ weā€™llĀ go ahead and assume that you have,Ā youā€™reĀ here after all)Ā thenĀ youĀ probably alreadyĀ know a thing or two about onlineĀ scams. TheĀ intenseĀ proliferation ofĀ digital schemes, frauds, andĀ otherĀ threatsĀ overĀ the past few years has made it almost impossibleĀ to beĀ logged inĀ without coming acrossĀ your fair share of attacks.Ā Ā 

The keyword here being ā€œalmost.ā€Ā 

WhileĀ thereā€™sĀ no sure-fire way to avoid internetĀ scamsĀ in their entirety, the experts at EMPISTĀ doĀ have a few tips and tricks up our sleeves to help you avoid them.Ā Ā 

Follow along. Here are just a couple of risk-reducing activities you can take to stop scammers today.Ā Ā 

Install FiltersĀ & Firewalls

Ad filters and firewalls aloneĀ wonā€™tĀ stopĀ allĀ scams, but theyĀ canĀ certainlyĀ help.Ā 

Installing protective software, no matter how reactive, is a good first step to warding off potentialĀ threats. Spam & virus filtering can keep your email clear of known riskyĀ senders and alert you whenĀ youā€™veĀ interacted with potential malware.Ā Ā 

Itā€™sĀ important to note, however,Ā that these tools often do notĀ properlyĀ protect againstĀ phishing attacks or other forms of social engineering.Ā Installing cybersecurity software is no excuse to let your guard down!Ā 

Hit That Block Button

Speaking of your guard, one of the simplest ways you can start protecting your personal information fromĀ scamsĀ is to get friendly with your block button.Ā Ā 

Get a friend invite from someone youĀ donā€™tĀ know? Block. Receive a suspicious message from a strangerā€™s account? Block.Ā Even when spam messages come from a friend, youĀ canā€™tĀ be sure theyĀ havenā€™tĀ been hacked. Blocking any communication from risky accounts and personnel isĀ an easy wayĀ to get ahead of threats and can usually be undone if your suspicions turn out to beĀ false.Ā Ā 

Punch Up Your Inbox

As turns out, the factory settings of your email inboxĀ arenā€™tĀ always the best for stoppingĀ scams.Ā Ā 

Luckily, there are ways you can better attune your email functionality to ward off cybercriminals. Using tailored spam filtering software, for one, will limit the amount of junk that ends up in your main folder. Utilizing augmented organizational tools like customized folders and tags can keep your email looking neat, allowing you to spot unwanted mail when it comes in. Setting up 2FA or MFA where applicable will also thwart potential hackers. Ā 

Keep Your Devices Updated

It may not seem crucial at firstĀ but keeping both your hardware and software updatedĀ is just another way you can work to ward off onlineĀ scams.Ā 

New releases in your operating system or application software do more than just offer exciting features, they provide essential bug fixes and security upgrades, too. While it might seem prudent to stick to the tech you know, staying up to date is an incredible first step to staying safe online.Ā Ā 

Use Strong Passwords

Another easyĀ scamĀ prevention tip? Use the right password!Ā 

Strong passwords are always over 10 characters in length, use a mix of different characters, include both uppercase and lowercase letters, donā€™t contain any known phrases and valuable dates, and are never, ever repeated across accounts. Ā 

If this feels like too much to manage, you can always enlist the help of password management software to keep your data safe!Ā Ā 

Read the Privacy Policy

Itā€™s a real bummer but reading the privacy policy on your devices, applications, and software really canĀ help you avoid scammers.Ā Ā 

While a bit tedious,Ā actually reviewingĀ the information in your privacy policies will give you a better picture of what each piece of tech you own already does by way of cybersecurity. These policies also offer insightĀ onĀ what to do in the case of a data breach and could be useful to keep on hand.Ā Ā 

Think Before You Click

Of course, the most salient way toĀ impede onlineĀ scamsĀ is to think before clicking on anything suspicious.Ā Ā 

Staying vigilant mayĀ not beĀ muchĀ fun, beĀ itā€™sĀ one of the best protections we have against hackers. If youĀ havenā€™tĀ already, signing up for some form of security awareness training can provide you with the tools and informationĀ you need toĀ know what to look for.Ā 

Stay AlertĀ 

And know what to look for you must. Some common internetĀ scamsĀ you should be aware of include:Ā 

Stop SharingĀ 

Some cybercriminals are smarter than others. Ā 

Many of us are now used to having a significant amount of personal information in public view. From photos to tweets to liked YouTube videos, the right hackers can take that information and use it to make best guesses about passwords and usernames. While the EMPIST team certainly doesnā€™t suggest forgoing an internet presence in its entirety, when it comes to stopping scams thereā€™s some information you just shouldnā€™t share.

In short, it might beĀ high time youĀ startedĀ keeping yourĀ mostĀ sensitiveĀ private information, well…. private.Ā Ā 

Trust Your TeamĀ 

Okay,Ā donā€™tĀ panic now. As it turns out, youĀ donā€™tĀ have to fightĀ scamsĀ alone.Ā Ā 

While these tips are definitely a good place to start for any individual looking to keep scammers out of their lives, there are more advanced methods to consider. If you need help building a cybersecurity program that protects not just your data, but that of your business and its employees, too, EMPIST is here to help.Ā 

To learn more about EMPISTā€™s proactive cybersecurity services, visit us online today!Ā Ā ToĀ get in touch withĀ our team ASAP,Ā contactĀ us here.Ā Ā 
