Like It or Not, Your Website Needs a Refresh
We get it – your website seems to be working just fine. You might even like it! But when it comes to maintaining a compelling digital presence, not everything is as it may appear. Even if you’re relatively happy with the current look and function of your web pages, regularly updating your website in step with emerging industry best practices is absolutely essential to the overall success of your business – especially right now.
As we continue to reinvent how we work and live online, so too must we reimagine how our websites look and behave. Like any other technological tool, the long-term efficacy of your site is dependent on how well it adapts to changes in the digital landscape.
So, is your “just fine” website really up to the task? While we think we probably know the answer, here are 6 more reasons you should seriously consider updating your website right now.
First Impressions Are Still Everything
Your website is the face of your company. Full stop. In fact, a recent study from Stanford found that a whopping 75% of consumers judge the creditability of a business by their website alone. A three or even two-year-old WordPress theme could easily give potential customers the impression that your business isn’t proactive, doesn’t care, or isn’t reliable. In short, an out-of-date website makes your business appear untrustworthy, regardless of the quality of your offerings.
Trends Move Quickly. Do You?
Want to see some real speed? Check out technology and design trends from 2019 and compare them to today. If you haven’t recently updated your website or WordPress theme you are immediately indicating to visitors that you’re a-okay sticking to the past. And while you may not think that your website looks or acts outdated, today’s consumers are savvier than they appear; Modern internet users can quickly identify old widgets, long-forgotten chatbots, out-of-style design elements, and more in a snap.
Slow Loading & Response Times = Lost Business
An updated website is a fast website – and speed mitigates lost interest. According to a study from Google, the probability of bounce increases 32% when load time extends from 1 to 3 seconds. That’s a 2-second difference, people! Of course, there is a myriad of reasons your website could be lagging: unoptimized images, ill-fitting animations, improper hosting, and antiquated WordPress themes among them. Refreshing your website is the best way to get a handle on losses caused by poor responsiveness and loading times.
Mobile Is Key
If your current website is not adapted to mobile users, we’re gonna need you to stop reading this blog and pick up the phone right now. As of April 2021, mobile traffic accounts for nearly half of the web traffic worldwide, and any website that doesn’t cater to those needs is frankly obsolete. Updating your website with a new WordPress theme and more can help ensure your online presence is tapped into this enormous market of users.
If your website is currently mobile responsive but still hasn’t been updated recently, there are likely some new changes to mobile functionality that you need to address to fully access mobile users.
New Integrations are Available
From AI to plugins, there are new features only available to updated WordPress themes that could simplify your workflow and increase conversions. It’s easy to overlook new website integrations by categorizing them as ancillary, but the more you can customize your web pages, the better chance you have at turning visitors into paying customers. Adopting new functionalities into your layout can be intimidating at first. However, with an updated site in place, the process becomes relatively painless.
Your Data is At Risk
And of course, the kicker; Without updating your website, your security is undoubtedly at risk. Keeping your software – including your website – up to date is your first line of defense against hackers. Older WordPress sites rely on older technology, making them vulnerable to breaches. This is, by far, the most pressing reason why your website needs to be updated ASAP. The cost of a data breach can be devastating for businesses of all shapes and sizes; Protecting against them must be priority number one.
If you’re ready to take the plunge and update your website, EMPIST can help! Our in-house-built WordPress themes are functionally beautiful and fit to your needs. Our work is making things work for you. Let us know what you need by contacting us here, or by visiting us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.