News | June 8, 2020

EMPIST Tech Talk Weekly Newsletter: Monday, June 8, 2020

EMPIST’s Weekly Tech  

The Tech Talk Newsletter 

Your news has arrived! Tune in for EMPIST’s weekly tech news with the latest technology news, marketing updates, tech tips, and more. Let’s get started. 

EMPIST’s Weekly Tech Update 

Remote working is king! Since the start of COVID-19, the communication platform Zoom has made working remotely easier for businesses everywhere. However, the growth of the company has exceeded even their own expectations. Zoom has represented a 354% surge with customer growth of 265,400 accounts with 10 or more users on each.  Read the full story >>  

EMPIST’s Weekly Tech Blog  

10 Business Blogging Mistakes to Avoid 

It’s Time to Get It Write   

It’s easy to overthink writing blogs for your business, but with the right guidelines, there are simple things you can do to make your content great. We’ve crafted a list of 10 business blogging mistakes to avoid, to take your blog to the next level. Read the blog >> 

EMPIST’s Weekly Tech Tip 

From the EMPIST Help Desk   

Fixing little mistakes on the computer: Want to undo a mistake you made on the computer? Just hit Ctrl + Z to undo your last action, and Ctrl + Y to redo what you have undone. 

EMPIST’s Weekly Tech Trivia 

Question: The three founders of Apple in 1976 were Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and who? 

EMPIST’s Weekly Tech Marketing Spotlight 

The stats are in! So far, in the second quarter, product-focused ads are making a comeback among the top 20 performing ad sets. Previously, all these spots were taken up by COVID-19 related content, but things are starting to shift. The Ace Metrix Survey shows that some of the best product ads were from Idaho Potato, Reynolds Kitchens, Shark Vac Mop, and M&M’s. Read the full story >> 

Trivia Answer: Ronald Wayne

For more IT news, blogs, and industry insights throughout the week, follow us on Facebook, TwitterLinkedInand Instagram. 
