News | December 30, 2019

EMPIST Tech Talk Newsletter: Monday, December 30, 2019

EMPIST Tech Talk  

The Weekly Tech Talk Newsletter  

It’s time for the Weekly Tech Talk Newsletter! Let’s go over the latest tech news, marketing updates, trivia, and more.  

The Weekly Tech Talk Newsletter Update  

According to local news reports, Russia has started testing a national internet system. This system would function as an alternative to the broader web. At this time, no one is certain on the reason for this internet testing or what stage of testing Russia is currently in.  Read the full story >> 


The Compliance Audit Checklist 

What Is a Compliance Audit?   

A compliance audit is a well-organized analysis of a business’s adherence to a defined criterion set by a supervisory body. Compliance audits are conducted by an auditing team to support the organization’s systematized processes, identify gaps, and eliminate risks. Read the blog >> 

The Weekly Tech Talk Newsletter Tip 

From the EMPIST Help Desk 

Phishing scams with malware are usually sent through email via a link or a downloadable file. Once you have clicked on the link or downloaded the file, the malware will activate.  

The Weekly Tech Talk Newsletter Trivia 

Question: What year did the Apple iPhone first come on the market?  

Answer: 2007 

The Weekly Tech Talk Newsletter Marketing Spotlight 

If a privacy law gets passed by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, it will limit the advertising abilities of Google & Facebook. Things like how companies track and share customer data will have new restraints. This proposal would also give consumers the right to opt-out of targeted ads from companies they have purchased from before. Read the full story >> 

Coffee with Kampas  

Episode 13: 5 Reasons to Switch to the Cloud 

In this week’s episode of Coffee with Kampas, EMPIST Founder & CEO John Kampas will be discussing the benefits of migrating your business to the cloud. If you are unfamiliar with the cloud, this is the perfect introductory video to help you grasp what cloud storage is and why it’s so valuable in today’s business world. Watch now >> 

For more IT news, blogs and industry insights throughout the week, follow us on Facebook, TwitterLinkedInand Instagram. 


