Business | May 29, 2020

5 Big Tech Advancements During the Pandemic

Tech Is Thriving

Technology has been playing a major role in keeping the economy running during the Coronavirus pandemic. Let’s go over some of the big tech advancements that have reached new heights during this challenging time. 

 5 Big Tech Advancements During the Pandemic 

3D Printing  

Not only has 3D printing become more popular for printing medical face shields and other equipment, but the 3D printing industry is booming from other reasons. The reason being, a lot of the work involved in the 3D printing process can be handled from computers, creating a less crowded and safer work environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Remote Work Applications 

It goes without saying that working from home has become the new norm for many of us. Even if you are not working from home, you are likely still using technology to stay in contact with your friends and loved ones.    


Sometimes you need more than an email to communicate with your team. The great thing about using Zoom for video conferences and phone calls is anyone with the shared number and or meeting URL can join your meeting. Making this a great solution for meetings with new clients. Zoom is also perfect for hosting large video chats, phone calls, and even webinars.  


Why has cybersecurity become one of the big tech advancements during COVID-19? Cybersecurity concerns have been growing during the pandemic because it’s easier to spam organizations when communication and processes have shifted. That is why IT professionals are practicing extreme caution and constantly developing ways to keep your information safe from hackers. Below we’ve listed a few things you should be aware of to avoid cybersecurity attacks. 

AI & Deepfaking   

Automated hacking? That’s right. A trend among hackers now is the use of artificial intelligence to carry out a set of automated attacks on companies and individuals. As a cybersecurity best practice, always confirm that sources sending you information are legitimate. Also, it’s essential to be versed in the basic spam/phishing warning signs.   

Data Theft & Manipulation   

Have you heard the term data integrity before? Well, hackers have been shifting their methods from standard data theft to focus on data integrity over the past few years. In short, this form of hacking is meant to cause long-term reputational damage to the individual or company being targeted.   

So, how can you stop it? As a cybersecurity best practice, using AI technology to sort and scan your data is imperative.  

The Targeting of Consumer Devices   

Smart devices = smart hacking. From smart house devices to TVs and mobile phones, the prediction for the expansion of consumer device hacking is here. Over the next few years, there will have to be additional cybersecurity infrastructures put in place to combat these new cyber-hacking methods. What’s the cybersecurity best practice here? Stay aware, educated, and avoid the use of public Wi-Fi networks at all costs.    

Online Shopping & Robotic Delivery

This is one of the big tech advancements that is currently overwhelmed with business during the pandemic. Online shopping was already popular before stay-at-home orders were in place. However, to avoid going out in public, people are shopping online now more than ever before.  

With the volume of orders rolling in and the push toward contactless delivery, more companies are investing in robotic delivery methods. Companies like Amazon are a frontrunner in robotics delivery services.  


During this time, some people don’t want to brave the grocery store, let alone the doctor’s office. Especially if you have a compromised immune system, you will want to avoid heading into the doctor’s office for something small. That’s why telehealth appointments have become the ideal solution to connect patients to the medical assistance they need. Doctors are even able to order prescriptions for patients at their local pharmacy.  

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