Cybersecurity | August 4, 2023

Utilizing Behavioral Analytics to Improve Endpoint Management and Protection

As of 2016, the behavioral analytics market amassed a massive $600 million. The industry will continue to climb as many businesses begin to realize the significance of these analytics. Its used for endpoint management and protection and other tasks.

If you’re early in your behavior analytics journey, it’s understood that you want to learn more about why it’s important. As well as how it can be used for improvement purposes.

We encourage you to continue reading now to find out more about the chance to improve your cybersecurity.

What is Behavioral Analytics? Why It’s Effective in Cybersecurity?

Before we get into the different ways you can utilize it, it’s crucial to understand what behavioral analytics are. Behavioral analytics can be used to determine patterns and trends of the target audience or customers of the business.

This is important because if you don’t understand your customers, you won’t understand why your clients are doing what they do. You need to know the motives behind their decisions. Otherwise, you won’t be able to make the necessary changes to your business to meet your audience’s needs.

Not only is it useful in identifying changes in human behavior, but it’s useful for the task of cybersecurity. As you’ll find below, it can help to deploy cybersecurity strategies to protect your business.

The better the strategies in place for your company, the more chances you have to mitigate cyberattacks.

Can Be Used to Monitor and Stop Cyberattacks

Predictive analytics can be used to improve cybersecurity tactics. These are tactics that companies use to protect their assets and client data. With these analytics, the cybersecurity team can sit down and discuss potential threats.

Threats such as malware attacks and more that could infiltrate their system.
Because they now have the ability to predict analytics, they can implement proactive measures. This can be done instead of having to be reactive.

Being proactive in cybersecurity measures will ensure your business isn’t hit with penalties. Penalties that come with data breaches and ensures your reputation isn’t ruined as a result of the breach.

More platforms that focus on providing cybersecurity services are looking for ways to integrate these predictive analytics into their endpoint security platforms.

Monitor Behavior Patterns and Determine Risk Scores

As mentioned previously, cybersecurity attacks are on the rise. If you can take advantage of a platform that will ensure these attacks are mitigated and reduced, the better. By monitoring behavior patterns through the use of endpoint security, you can determine a risk score within seconds.

What happens is that the models you’re using in combination with endpoint management can go back in time through the data you’ve collected to make assumptions. It can determine things like previous patterns, location, and a host of other factors that led to breaches.

It can find system anomalies you didn’t consider before and notify you of them as changes begin to occur.

Stop Threats in Real Time

Although you work hard to mitigate cyberattacks, not all of them will be stopped. But with this new intelligence, you can run endpoint scans that stop threats in real-time. Most companies don’t learn about breaches until a significant amount of data is lost.

When data breaches happen, time is of the essence. Being notified of a threat taking place and acting quickly can help companies in ways they never thought possible.

Creates Personalized Experiences

Steering away from cybersecurity now. The use of behavioral analytics can be used to improve and create more personalized experiences. You can use the patterns learned to create offers for clients that meet their needs and integrate them into your e-commerce platform.

This could take place in the form of recommending certain features. Recommended based on previously searched things. This shows your target audience that you’re listening to them. It also shows you want to ensure they have the best experience possible.

Making it so that customers aren’t having to search your entire website for the things they need.

Can Aid in Measuring Campaign Success

Without behavioral analytics, measuring the success of marketing campaigns can become more challenging. Being able to measure various metrics for your business will help you to adjust your future campaigns.

The metrics you measure for your campaigns will depend on the goals you’ve set for the campaign. For example, if you’re hoping to increase traffic to your website. You’ll want to keep an eye on the success of your backlinks and the number of people that visit your website pages.

Of course, the metrics you decide to measure you can discuss with your team and adjusted.

Best For A/B Testing

A/B testing is when you deploy a model, for example, taking one piece of content and changing one variable about the content. You will deploy both versions of the content and, from there, continue to gather data about which one performs better.

Monitoring data and determining which is working the best to fulfill client needs will help you shape data in the future. The more information you gather from the testing, the better off you’ll be moving forward.

Endpoint Management and Protection: How It’s Used to Improve Business Cybersecurity

When you’re searching for a way to ward off cybersecurity attacks, the use of endpoint management and protection is the way to go. By assessing and mitigating these attacks before they happen, you can ensure you don’t risk the loss of data and penalties.

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