Virtual Chief Information Security Officer

All businesses need security! Your business is your lifeblood, and you need to protect it. Stop wasting time and money on Cybersecurity measures that don’t work. Cybersecurity and risk are complex, ever-changing topics that can be difficult to understand and control. EMPIST vCISO Services will improve your IT Security, Accountability and Governance all in a single solution. Our vCISO services are available to all businesses, no matter who or how you manage your IT.

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Offload your security concerns to a team of experts.

The Benefits & Features of EMPIST’s vCISO



Alignment with NIST Framework

Security Assessments

Quarterly Executive Security Briefings



Risk Mitigation

Improved security posture

Win more business

Peace of mind

A security program must include:

  • Multifaceted strategy that protects the business
  • Governance
  • Security Policies
  • Tools
  • Controls

Interested in learning more about a Virtual CISO?